He Keeps His Promises
- Details
- Olivier Tshala
- Sermons
Genesis 3:1-6
“There is some psychological significance to the midway point of the year as a logical opportunity to take stock.”
- The Guardian
“The devil is not exceptional at getting us, he is persistent, and we are complacent.”
- Pastor Olivier Tshala
The Devil has not changed his methods, his only play is to convince us that:
- God is not, in fact, good or
- that God does not keep his promises.
Once he has done this, we start a process of self-sabotage.
1. God is Good
Genesis 1:28 (ESV)
Matthew 7:11 (ESV)
2. God is Consistent
Hebrews 13:8 (ESV)
Malachi 3:6 (ESV)
David’s Promise
1 Samuel 16:13 – Anointed
2 Samuel 5:3 – Becoming King
13 years between his anointing (The promise) and becoming King (Its fulfilment).
1. Conditional Promises
Romans 8:28
2. Unconditional Promises
Genesis 9:11
Proverbs 10:11
God uses the gap between the promise and its fulfilment to prepare us to handle the lived experience of the promise.